Wednesday, May 21, 2008

TDM Quitting UMNO

I know I wrote in my previous entry that I hate politics, but..

I can't stop thinking;

a.) What happen to the people that once cried, shook and kissed TDMs hands. Rafidah was criticized when she hugged TDM. But what did she said today? Nazri Aziz said today?

Hypocracy? Maybe.

Ahli UMNO perlu taat kepada pucuk pimpinan? Terutamanya kepada pucuk pimpinan yang mempunyai kuasa memerintah dan tangan mampu menyuap nasi briyani ke mulut mereka-mereka yang mengampu manakala rakyat jelata makan nasi basi?

b.) Mukhriz stayed!

(Dikemas kini) KUALA LUMPUR: "Saya akan tetap setia sebagai ahli Umno dan akan menjadi suara yang lantang menegur kepincangan kepimpinan parti".
-excerpts from The Star Online.

Bro, you have my support and my respect. You are so consistent in what you have done. And you have your track records to support you. And by the way, thats bold!

c.) Will Pak Lah do something to regain his popularity?

Will it benefit market driven businesses? Will it benefit Malaysians? Will it bring back the confidence needed for the next PRU?

Will it be another blunder made by him? (he did a few already.. too bad!)

d.) "-" for TDM (my opinion, pardon me). A big/huge/enormous advantage for some.

Nothing much to say except: POLITICS STINK!

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