Friday, November 30, 2007

transalators wanted.. (dummies translating)

ini adalah kes aku tak tau nak tulis apa.. but, what de heck. its fun and funny!


lords of the rings :- raja segala cincin-cincin

sleeping with enemies :- tidur dengan musuh-musuh

discovery channel :- saluran penemuan

the matrix :- matriks itu

home alone :- duduk kat rumah sorang-sorang

crime scene investigator :- mata-mata tempat kejadian jenayah

lelaki ini :- that guy

oops!.. i did it again :- oops!.. saya buat lagi

while you were sleeping :- sementara awak tidur tadi

c'est la vie :- itulah kehidupan

ace ventura: pet detective :- ace ventura: mata-mata haiwan peliharaan

prison break :- penjara pecah

the day after tomorrow :- lusa

dude, where's my car? :- brader, mana keretaku?

Enemy at the gates :- Musuh kat pagar-pagar

the fast & furious: tokyo drift :- si laju & pemarah: tokyo hanyut

coyote ugly :- musang buruk

happy feet :- kaki gembira

harry potter & the order of the phoenix :- harry potter & pesanan si rajawali

*** sigh.. penat dah.. nanti sambung


I had a great holiday last June. I went to Taiping (my fav town.. captivating!). Sajer apply cuti lama2 sikit utk luangkan masa bersama-sama diri sendiri. sesetengah orang dok sibuk nak bercuti kat luar malaysia. paris, new york, bali, amsterdam, helsinki.. bagi aku, rugi. dah ler rugi RM sebab exchange rate, dah tuh kalu dah g overseas ni tau-tau lah ramai yang nak mintak souvenirs. kopakkkkk... baik dok tawaf Malaysia. Dengan multi ethnics n racial kat mesia ni, bak kata tourism malaysia; Malaysia, truly asia.. (I have heard Sabah alone have 32 ethics.. pergh..)
ada orang yang pelik aku bule hangout sorang-sorang (bos siap-siap pesan suruh jgn matikan phone.. chaisss.. tapi gua bijak... hehehe!). heks... bila dah ada kamera slr (time tu baru beli..) i had a great time. mesti ramai yang tak tau, pagi-pagi kat lake garden taiping, mcm2 bule tgk. contohnya tengok awek, tengok amoi, tengok awek, tengok amoi, dan tak kurang tengok artis buat shoot (time ni terasa rugi belum ada zoom lens. sori guys, x de gambar. hard disk crash hari tu! huhuhu...). 4 days and 3 nites, gua abes RM400++ jer.
"I know of no more lovely sight in this country than the taiping gardens... one receives in that glorious half hour an experience of light in foliage that is quite unbtainable in England" George Pleet, 1933.
Taiping, (or tepeng in local dialect) comes from the mandarin word "tei" & "peng". in which means everlasting peace. but, dari cakap-cakap sorang pakcik tua yang aku jumpe, taiping pernah jadi medan perang paling dashyat waktu zaman jepun. disebabkan time tuh kekurangan kesdaran dokumentasi, peristiwa tuh tenggelam ditelan zaman. sekarang, ada usaha sorg cikgu yang minat citer2 perang tgh mengorek citer tuh daripada warga emas taiping. (terar x? aku patut dapat sejarah A1 waktu SPM dulu.) ;))
If anyone would go there, i would personally suggest to go;
1. St Louis church.
2. all saints church
3. railway station
4. the burmese pool (ini sungai tau... aku pun tertipu dulu. But, syok wooo.. ayer sujukkk..)
5. kuala sepetang charcoal factory.
6. peace hotel
7. bismillah restaurant @ jalan taming sari.
8. a hair cut stop @ any old barber shop. (ngeri tgk indian tuh asah pisau pakai leather strip.)
9. no 31, jalan stesen
10. hiking kat bukit larut.
11. commonwealth war cemetery
12.lake garden.. (in the morning... its a must!)
13. kling mosque
14. masjid kota lama
15. port weld fishing village.
16. on foot tour in tepeng.. (you will never know what you might find!.)
p/s: sila bayar untuk nasihat ini menggunakan cash sahaja. resit akan dikeluarkan atas permintaan.. ihiks!
"the town itself is one of the most picturesque in Malaya.." Cuthbert Woodville Harrison, 1911.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Day.. (or more so MayDay)

(Ignore my imbalanced emotions!!... I was made to update my blog. Huhuhu..)

I used to be proud being single. Heck!. Betull lah! I has been my pride whenever or whoever asked 'bout my girl. I could say.. "Lelaki macho milenium x de girlfriend. Dia terus ada calon isteri." then everybody laughed. For the time being, everybody was rather statisfied with the answer. Gotcha.

I even got a chance to gloat (sheeeeepishly) when some even say "You are such a gentleman! Would you be interested if i introduce an ustazah to you?" (No offence, but no thanks).

A friend of mine even helped me to draw a time chart for future retirement plan. i looked at him queerly... (aiseh, poyo nyer kawan aku ni). FYI, the chart refers to the age of a child as we grow older. I stopped him as he went into the cucu part.

Now, i am pretty cool with it. it doesnt even bother me to frantic searching for answers to satisfy their ... (i couldnt find the word: rasa ingin tahu). Thank god i have a good social background!.

Single and available, thats me.

p/s: I have a damned ego.. (but i know when to use it!)