Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Simple consumer behavior..

Konsep mudah: Pengguna akan mengubah tabiat dan kelakuan kepada sesuatu yang dirasakannya sesuai dan terbaik bagi dirinya sekiranya ada pilihan.

Simple plan I would suggest to ease traffic congestion in KL: MORE PUBLIC TRANSPORT!! and make sure it is cheap!

It is not a rocket science by the way!

Less car, less petrol consumption, less subsidy.. Why are you guy making fool of yourself, mengeluh pasal subsidi minyak RM4 billlion? Most S.O.V (Single Occupancy Vehicles) cars entering KL are office workers. Let them have extra money to save/spend rather on petrol by using public transport.

Please DO NOT PUT PRESSURE on businesses as they would easily pass the burden to end-consumers/users hence resulting higher inflation.

Tot u guyz r smart enuf to stand for election. I m enrolling for PUNDAK!. Too many d*ckh**ds in the parliament already.

1 comment:

Ney Joe said...

zain mencarotttttt!!!!