Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Paranoid Politicians...

Has our government being overly paranoid? I wonder.

In his speech today, our beloved DPM had calls for action against bloggers for their wild and baseless allegations raised in blogs. Read this.

Or, read this on being paranoid after the humilating PRU12 defeat and being trashed out from the Penang CMs office.

Nonetheless, the ban of Clarinase drug (for express flu relief) from the pharmacy's shelves. I am aware the danger of taking drugs and medications without consulting a physician, but I am no stupid!. Many out there aren't one either. Than why with this definite punitive decision?.

If the government is being too protective, than this type of comment cannot, ah?. Shame on you!.

My conclusion: Overly paranoid.

Adakah kita mempunyai sebuah kerajaan yang benar-benar menjuarakan demokrasi?.

Adakah kita benar-benar menyokong kebebasan media dan kebebasan bersuara?.

Adakah kita contoh kerajaan demokrasi yang paling ideal?.

Disebalik halangan kebebasan bersuara, adakah ahli-ahli politik yang diundi ini benar-benar menjalankan tugas mereka dengan sepenuh rasa tanggungjawab dan amanah? Kenapa takut bila tsunami budaya mem-blog ini melanda Malaysia?. Kenapa berselindung di sebalik Akta?

Adakah saya seorang yang tidak patriotik?.
- Oleh kerana sayangkan negara inilah saya menulis entri ini.

Tidakkah saya bersyukur?
- Kerana bersyukur harus saya terima keadaan ini seadanya?. Berdiam diri dan menerima prestasi kerajaan yang kurang memuaskan ini?. Logik akalkah itu?. Apa sebenarnya definasi syukur yang hakiki itu?.

Marie Digby - Say It Again

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Simple consumer behavior..

Konsep mudah: Pengguna akan mengubah tabiat dan kelakuan kepada sesuatu yang dirasakannya sesuai dan terbaik bagi dirinya sekiranya ada pilihan.

Simple plan I would suggest to ease traffic congestion in KL: MORE PUBLIC TRANSPORT!! and make sure it is cheap!

It is not a rocket science by the way!

Less car, less petrol consumption, less subsidy.. Why are you guy making fool of yourself, mengeluh pasal subsidi minyak RM4 billlion? Most S.O.V (Single Occupancy Vehicles) cars entering KL are office workers. Let them have extra money to save/spend rather on petrol by using public transport.

Please DO NOT PUT PRESSURE on businesses as they would easily pass the burden to end-consumers/users hence resulting higher inflation.

Tot u guyz r smart enuf to stand for election. I m enrolling for PUNDAK!. Too many d*ckh**ds in the parliament already.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Trying my luck.. while excercising my tongue.

Just giving it a try, getting a Big Mac for FREE!

To sing this in under 4 seconds!

Two All-Beef Patties,
Special Sauce, Lettuce,
Cheese, Pickles, Onions
On A Sesame Seed Bun!


Here goes..

“Two All-Beef Patties,
Special Sauce, Lettuce,
Cheese, Pickles, Onions
On A Sesame Seed Bun!”

geez.. kinda hard with this lidah jawa!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Retailers Optimal Merchandise Mix Constraints

From my primitive observation, some retail shops do have limitation factors that may restrict their growth. However, I should stress that these are form genuine cases (not from dumb/ar**h*l*/idiocratic human limitation/s!);

1. Dollar Merchandise Constraint
- It is a result from a small paid up capital by owner, or board of directors.

2. Space Constraints
- I noticed that if the rental is getting gradually high, some retailers just have to shrink down the size. Or, everybody is rushing and pushing to get the chunck of pie (red sea strategy). Resulting slow death for everyone (vendors, the retailer itself, the shopping complex/area).

3. Merchandise Turnover Constraints
- Usual mistake for everybody especially when they have been there for so long and at the same time trying so hard coping with consumer behavorial and pattern changes. This type of shop usually having the pattern to lose out retail identity. Slow but definite suicidal.

4. Market Constraint
- It is impossible and risky when making decision on variety, breadth and depth of merchandise mix. Bad science project I would say. Especially for big, big retailers when they delegate staffs to perform tasks.
* this is when branding, good marketing, and super good product really helps!
** Ringgit $en$e -> High profit and big retailers usually accept the fact that it is almost impossibble to get an optimum/the perfect merchandise mix. So, they adjust their own merchandise mix formula to statisfy the most profitable domestic market segment.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kenapa Saya Tulis Blog Ini?..

The Nine Types of Intelligence

1. Naturalist Intelligence

Designates the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations)

2. Musical Intelligence

Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone.

3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations.

4. Existential Intelligence

Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here.

5. Interpersonal Intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others.

6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills.

7. Linguistic Intelligence

Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings.

8. Intra-personal Intelligence

Intra-personal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself and one’s thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and directioning one’s life.

9. Spatial Intelligence

Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions.

From: Overview of the Multiple Intelligences Theory. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and Thomas

...owh, did I answer that?...

Its Digby Again!!!... weee huuu!

By the way Marie, if you are reading this, I can teach you on how to play a trumpet for free!

...come on guys, its just a peace offering from me...

TDM Quitting UMNO

I know I wrote in my previous entry that I hate politics, but..

I can't stop thinking;

a.) What happen to the people that once cried, shook and kissed TDMs hands. Rafidah was criticized when she hugged TDM. But what did she said today? Nazri Aziz said today?

Hypocracy? Maybe.

Ahli UMNO perlu taat kepada pucuk pimpinan? Terutamanya kepada pucuk pimpinan yang mempunyai kuasa memerintah dan tangan mampu menyuap nasi briyani ke mulut mereka-mereka yang mengampu manakala rakyat jelata makan nasi basi?

b.) Mukhriz stayed!

(Dikemas kini) KUALA LUMPUR: "Saya akan tetap setia sebagai ahli Umno dan akan menjadi suara yang lantang menegur kepincangan kepimpinan parti".
-excerpts from The Star Online.

Bro, you have my support and my respect. You are so consistent in what you have done. And you have your track records to support you. And by the way, thats bold!

c.) Will Pak Lah do something to regain his popularity?

Will it benefit market driven businesses? Will it benefit Malaysians? Will it bring back the confidence needed for the next PRU?

Will it be another blunder made by him? (he did a few already.. too bad!)

d.) "-" for TDM (my opinion, pardon me). A big/huge/enormous advantage for some.

Nothing much to say except: POLITICS STINK!

Happy Vesak!

I know...

It's kinda late, but still, it's better than never..

Too all Buddhist devotees..

Have a blessed and cheerful Vesak.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Kenapa Aku Tak Suka Tgk Bola

Nape kawe dok suke bola..

1. Nak drama, lebih baik tgk drama swasta kat TV1. Sama best, sama thrill.

Kaki tak kena takik, boleh terguling-guling sambil meraung (nak tunjuk sakit sangat!). Kalau untung sabut, dapat penalty kick, team lawan kena buang player. Huh! bapuk jer yang main tipu macam itu.

2. Sama boring dengan dengar lecturer yang syok sendiri time kuliah dulu.

Bola sepak naik - pass kat salah orang - bola sepak turun - pass terlajak - bola keluar - baling masuk - salah pass - bola naik - offside - keeper sepak - bola turun - sepak - tersasar dari sasaran......(ulang lagi 90 minit.)

3. Bayar mahal, main buruk.. baik sedekah duit tu dkt rumah kebajikan! Baik player tu jadi petani!

Gaji seminggu diorang lagi tinggi dari gaji setahun antara sesetengah rakyat Malaysia! Wawawawa...

4. Wakil bolasepak negara boleh main kuis-kuis rumput masa lagu kebangsaan dimainkan!

Tak patriotiknya! Cubalah contohi player ragbi yang menitik air mata bila dengar lagu kebangsaan. Body masing-masing kekar tuh! Owh, btw diorang tak dapat gaji juta-juta dari main game ragbi tu.

5. Finishing n saving dalam dunia bolasepak negara... huhuhuhu.. sedey, beb!

Samada sepakan penyudah yang asyik kena tepis jembalang belaan goalie tuh, atau keeper dengan begitu poyo menangkap turbulence bola yang amat dashyat itu.

6. Hahahahaha! Liga bola negeri sendiri pun tak tengok dkt tv, dok sanggup tersengguk-sengguk menahan mengantuk untuk tengok live telecast liga negara orang lain. Bangga betul kalau dapat jadi orang pertama yang boleh cerita dalam blog/pejabat/kedai mamak.

7. Pergi kedai mamak = pasang bola.
Jenguk blog sare = pasal bola.
Pergi rumah member bujang aku = depa tgk bola
Baca suratkhabar = bola lagi (huhuhu..pernah masuk frontpage sebab rasuah lagi tu!)

Seumpama tahap bosan yang terkumpul akibat tgk/baca banyak sangat pasal politik orang UMNO, akhirnya mendatangkan rasa mual.

8. Aku kelakar betul dengan orang yang sanggup belanja beratus-ratus ringgit kat sehelai baju yang akhirnya bakal diletakkan nama orang lain dibelakangnya. Rasa macam nak panggil;

"Abang Beckham, boleh saya pinjam lighter?"

Uish.. aku sambung nanti-nanti. Ada awek call aku lah malam-malam nih... Yeehaa!

The Devil In Us- Shopaholicism

How many of us that really can control ourselves during shopping. As for me, there are times I can and can't (Oh, forgive me god as I have sinned!).

I might being over analytical about this, but I have been watching too much of National Geographic, ret Discovery Science and Discovery Channel lately. And lately quite a lot of DNAs and brainy stuffs that made me think about businesses, marketing, retailing and stuffs.

As in my previous post about psychographic, it merely happened to many of us. From my observation in Bukit Bintang retail area (another mall-ing effect like I wrote previously) last week;

1. A good window display plays quite a significant role in attracting window shoppers to enter premise.

2. By increasing visitors, they can increase chances of getting things sold better. By increasing traffic too will increase curiosity from passer-bys.

3. A good merchandising will increase the overall sale of a retail business.

4. A good display of which good to be highlighted will definitely increase the possibility of impulse buying/psychographic effect.

5. A good premise layout will definitely optimize the retail area. Definitely.

1. Apa yang mencetuskan belian impuls? Ego? Rasa berkuasa? Coolness? Trendy? But I do believe that I can put the blame entirely on the psychological factors.

* The summarization above is in general focusing on middle-to lower income retailing in malls in urban areas.

I think next time I am gonna go for another trip to;
+ Secondary/small township area/s
+ Pasar malams