Monday, October 6, 2008

Why In The World ...?

It's a perfectly imbalanced world we are living.

"The heads of America's 500 biggest companies received an aggregate 54% pay raise last year. As a group, their total compensation amounted to $5.1 billion, versus $3.3 billion in fiscal 2003. "

The U.S has been creating more billionaires per capita then any other countries in the world. I am not suprised when a columnist in an article in TheStar wrote about her chat wif a frustrated cabbie in LA.

Why bother rescueing your top 500 billionaires? In the end, hundred thousands people will still be jobless if failed. The billionaires will still have their exit plans: cash out!.

"In 1970, CEO salary and bonus packages were typically about $700,000 - 25 times the average production worker salary; by 2000, CEO salaries had jumped to almost $2.2 million on average, 90 times the average salary of a worker, according to a 2004 study on CEO pay by Kevin J. Murphy and Jan Zabojnik. Toss in stock options and other benefits, and the salary of a CEO is nearly 500 times the average worker salary, the study says."

Che Det made a logical accusation! American politician sucks. Damn the US Government for being a bully. You should be shameful.

"The US now owes the world US 14 trillion. There is no way it can ever settle this debt. If other countries fail to repay or service their debts, the US would demand that they be made bankrupt. Now the US is literally bankrupt..."
-Che Det-

Kenapa mau jadi gedebe lagi? You are a complete failure, big bully.

In Malaysia? A frustrated businessman I chatted this morning said even the government is doing bullshits. UMNO is betraying the DEB and the race that they should be defending/championing. Afterall, the lamest trick will be: berselindung belakang perundangan.

Now, so-called-ketua semua parti tengah bertelagah nak merebut jawatan. Semua nak jadi champion.

UMNO and Barisan Nasional should be shameful, too.

Americas financial haywire is lesson when the rich is getting richer. And they became greedier each second. Just imagine getting richer thousands of dollars in every second?

Politics is just a career that could achieve ones greed. It's not "berkhidmat untuk rakyat" anymore.

1 comment:

sare @ syah said...

ni lah bahana penjanaan ekonomi melalui sistem riba'...oleh itu marilah kita kembali kepada jalan yang betul...