Sunday, October 5, 2008

Innovation forecasting,,

John Naisbitt's 11 mindsets of forecasting

  1. While many things change, most things remain constant.
  2. The future is embedded in the present.
  3. Focus on the score of the game.
  4. Understanding how powerfull it is not to be right.
  5. See the future as a picture puzzle.
  6. Don’t get so far ahead of the parade that people don’t know you’re in it.
  7. Resistance to change falls if benefits are real.
  8. Things that we expect to happen always happen more slowly.
  9. You don’t get results by solving problems but by exploiting opportunities.
  10. Don’t add unless you subtract.
  11. Don’t forget the ecology of technology.
Number 6 has been kinda cliche. Funny enough, my horoscope last Friday told me to lower my expectation in others. Ahaks!..

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