Monday, February 18, 2008

New Techie Isnt Always The Best..

**note to the policy makers

U.S Congress isnt full of geniuses. There are some idiocies inside.

Lately they banned tradisional incandescent lightbulbs (remember Thomas Alve Edison?) to the supposedly more "efficient" compact flourecent lightbulbs (CFLs). By 2014, the tradisional lightbulbs will be illegal.

* ?= If these bulbs are so great, why need to set a law to "promote" it?

** Fact= One lightbulb contains roughly 5 miligrammes of mercury. If one drops and breaks, it will contaminate six times of the states "safe" level. Think about the challenges ahead of disposing those lightbulbs when it burns out.

..the consequences having paranoids to be the law makers..


Anonymous said...

"How many socialists does it take to change your light bulb?


sare @ syah said...

hahaha...that was funny...later on, they will export that thing to Mesia. and Mesia govt will impose the very same law here. hahaha.