Saturday, December 8, 2007

instant mee & me

tadi aku lunch instant mee lagik..

in my earlier posting aku dah tulis aku makan instant mee goreng.. now another. sigh! mcmni lah kehidupan orang bujang. takde sape yang nak tgkkan makan minum kita.. heks!

bukan aku malas nak masak, but dats the easiest food available. fruits and veges dah abis dlm fridge. kalu x caya, cuba tanya PUAN Adilah Mistar, MISS Temi or CIK Caza. i can make one helluva salad (not to brag.. ihiks!..) my next best option : instant noodles. cepat, mudah, filling, and nutritious (depending on what u put inside, lah.)

percaya tak, i am already prepared if a natural disaster happens. and i can survive for a month. instant noodles je ada 8 jenis. maggie, indomie, mee sedap, mamee, mee ruski, and several japanese ones. muaahahaha!

burp.. scuse mi!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


and he even eats meggi mee at bandung.

nanti botak cepat bai!