Thursday, July 3, 2008

Responsibilities & My Dilemmas..

Untuk sekian kalinya, aku dah diminta untuk memberikan khidmat konsultansi dan nasihat kepada seseorang berkenaan bisnes. Tapi kali ni, khidmat nasihat ini adalah untuk mengembangkan lagi bisnesnya.

I don't know what people think of me. Genius? Hot stuff? I humbly admit it. Hahahaha... hahahaha... hahahaha...

Sekali lagi aku dilanda tsunami rasa serba salah dan paling tidak gemar situasi ni!.

Keeping in a positive manner, I assume others see me high... Some acknowledged me as a genius... Some thinks they are smarter than me... Some respected me... Some took a little too much of me. Thanks.

But that's not the point. Perkara yang aku tidak gemar adalah bila aku tahu, pendapat yang akan aku kasi tu bakal merubah hidup seseorang dan seluruh kaum keluarganya. Its a big responsibility. I hate when I'm wrong (call me a perfectionist on this, I don't mind. The thing is, I have a high standard. Same goes with my expectations.). But humans do errors, kan...

It's one of a few situations that I hated most.

** Playing Gods. (that's another most hated situation I have ever been!)


Anonymous said...

"pendapat yang akan aku kasi?" kau nak kasi siapanye anu? beri lah.

we gives advises because we know what we are talking about, and if the other party thinks that we actually know what the heck we talk about, then maybe it's ok for them to ikut. if not, it's an option for them je. and xtra information to be balanced when the time for making decision comes.

Ney Joe said...

zain... knp org lain ckp.. "beruntung dia dapat ko". tapi knp dia tglkan saya?

komen saya lari tajuk. saya mmg suka begitu.