Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Dust.

The Dust had landed.

The Dust has a new home.




The Dust is in my blog.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Entri Bagi Menjawab Teka Teki Kalian..





-suddenly, there's no fun blogging-




Thursday, July 2, 2009

Merepek, Menarik, Tertarik... dan Manik Urai.

Tempat: Lounge, Marriot Putrajaya.

Lelaki: Aku bukan tipikal.

Aku: (diam..)

Lelaki: Kau percaya tuhan?

Aku: (sedut air kelapa.. tempurung kelapa dihias cantik dengan payung pink. Payung pink?)

Lelaki: Kau tengok orang berkopiah tu.. Dia buang tisu atas lantai. Apa kau fikir?

Aku: (masih buat-buat minum air kelapa..)

Lelaki: .....

Aku: (masih diam..)




Lelaki: Orang lazimnya lebih senang menuduh orang lain. Buta dengan daifnya diri sendiri.

Aku: (tenung iPhone dalam-dalam.. Bila nak pakai Iphone 3G S ni?)


Perbualan terhenti bila seorang perempuan cantik naik ke pentas menyanyikan lagu Linkin Park. Cliche!


Lelaki: Kau sudah tak macam dulu.

Aku: (wanita genit berdansa di lantai tarian. Fikiran aku tertumpu pada edisi backpacking akan datang. Mungkinkah ke Ireland, US, Kota London atau Vietnam?)

Aku: (Sambil menepuk peha beliau, perlahan.) Satu hari nanti, kamu akan faham. Bukan sekarang.. bukan sekarang..



Lelaki itu dan aku pulang sekitar jam 2 pagi. Dalam kereta, terngiang diskusi jalan-sehala tadi...

Maaf teman, sememangnya bukan senang untuk jadi manusia.

Friday, June 26, 2009

blablablablab larut malam.

1.) It's 1:30a.m and I am still wide awake. It has been like this for quite sometimes.

2.) My turned into a shopaholic, again. I bought myself a new watch!... and a bit close of buying a men's jinbei (jika tidak tahu, dipersilakan untuk Google) and a khaki pants.

3.) Starting from this month till end of year, I will be receiving 2/3 of my salary. Me poor! I don't have any regrets. It's worth doing it.

4.) I am finding time to go to Kamal's to get some meds books. Makin bersemangat bila Greys Anatomy tv series makin ramai hot chicks. Graduated med students wont sell off their used text books!. Dem! Guess I will be using for the time being.

5.) Recently, I went out with some new friends and they are impressed when I used the term cerebrum cortex. As usualllllllllllllllllllll...........

6.) Her birthday is getting nearer...

7.) M&S sale is back!

8.) Saw a "David Archuleta" look alike today... And found it pretty cool. Gonna grab that by end of year for London backpack. Or buy there? And the sweater-over-shirt looks nice as well. Nasib baik tak ada warna selain dari biru, coklat, kelabu and hitam.

9.) I have no mood for serious entries lately.

"One spoonfull of sugar keep the medicine go down.. in a most delightfull way"

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay.. Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay"

-Mary Poppins-

10.) Word of the day: prosencephalon

11.) Participating in KL Marathon 10 kms without any trainings. Tapi masih bercita-cita besar untuk jadi top 50. Berusahalah!

12.) My nose bleeds. Sudah 40 menit, dah masih belum memberhentikan dirinya sendiri.

I have listed 12 things on my mind, and still not sleepy!

Coruscanti ogre! (sila Google ini juga ya. Anda bakal nampak perkataan ini dengan banyaknya selepas ini.)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tag Pertama.. (tq Ney)

Budak yang bergelar Ney tag saya masa zaman Melaka kena takluk potugis dulu... Inilah tagging pertama saya... (tepuk..tepuk kuat-kuat dan bersorak!)

List these rules on your blog * Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog. * Tell 7 unspectacular quirks of yours. * Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. * Link the person who tagged you. * Leave a comment for each blogger.

Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog

- Watashi Zain-des
- Saya belum ada girlfriend (but currently seeing someone!).
- Orang ramai (yang pelik-pelik) selalu cakap "macam pernah jumpa...".
- Barang yang paling disayangi adalah buku pantun lama yang diwarisi dari mak.
- Saya suka ambil gambar budak-budak. Muka mereka tulus!.
- Saya suka orkid.

Tell 7 unspectacular quirks of yours

- Sangat pemalu dengan perempuan yang saya suka. (auw.....)
- Boleh main piano dan trumpet dan tuba dan euphonium dan french horn dan tabla.
- Sanggup ulang alik dari Bangi ke Batu Caves hari-hari kerana mak ayah.
- Senang terperanjat kalau tengok cerita hantu. hahahahaha! (sengal punya director!)
- Anak lelaki sorang daripada 4 adik beradik
- Orang cakap saya pandai buat S>A>L>A>T (salad). Makan banyak sayur baik untuk anda!.
- Suka baring di tengah padang rumput malam-malam dan tengok bintang.

**Kena tag orang ke?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Stay or Go?

On average, employees work between 3-5 years in a company.

I am already working in this company for 5 years..
Several offers are up for grab. Some offers are so good to be true.
Should I leave?

Statistically, potential employees above 35 years of age will start having difficulties changing careers/changing jobs.

I am already 28. Should I make my move now?

Monday, May 18, 2009


brainless, dazed, deficient, dense, dim, doltish, dopey*, dull, dumb, dummy*, foolish, futile, gullible, half-baked*, half-witted*, idiotic, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, indiscreet, insensate, irrelevant, laughable, loser*, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, obtuse, out to lunch, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, shortsighted, simple, simpleminded, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupefied, thick, thick-headed, trivial, unintelligent, unthinking, witless

Can we be mad at stupidity?

Who shall be blamed if somebody is stupid?

How can we choose somebody that we can rely and trust on (definitely the person who is NOT STUPID!)?

Can human complexity adapt to the exigencies of these morons?

Being stupid is different. Playing stupid is another. Being stupid is not a crime, playing stupid is. Being stupid but blind enough to see your own weaknesses is worst still. Being stupid and been taken advantage of is worst still.

But, ..(toot).. you for being stupid and blind, and not willing to learn, snobbish and bragging of your stupidity.


Can we be mad at the act of deficiencies?

Who shall be blamed if somebody is nonsensical?

How can we choose somebody that we can rely and trust on (definitely the person who is SENSIBLE!)?

Can human complexity adapt the exigencies of these harebrains?

Being inane is different. Playing obtuse is another. Being inane is not a crime, playing obtuse is. Being inane but blind enough to see your own weaknesses is worst still. Being inane and been taken advantage of is worst still.

But, ..(toot).. you for being obtuse and blind, and not willing to learn, snobbish and bragging of your self foolish stupefaction.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Living Tough; being in a self-destructing, self vandalizing society

Many would agree on this.. It's a tough life we are living out here.

One of the reason would be; Why in h*ll, they are so "c.*.b.*.*"!!!

A self-destructing society will get worse if some would reward bad behavior, while a self-vandalizing society would do things that against moral (even they know it's ethically wrong").

The two terms I've mentioned are totally different from each other. Somehow, I have a theory that it's a common scenario for any country that have the history being under occupation. Look at the Philippines, African countries, India, Iraq, ex-Soviet countries.... Same happens!

Our society is a wreck!

Any vacancies available? Preferably it comes with a 5 figure income + benefits package!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Malaysians Love "Trashses"?

I can't understand it....

1. Cheap things, price exorbitant = Malaysians buy (the government buys it too!! hahahaha..).
2. Really, really lousy things, cheap price = Malaysians buy.
3. Lousy things, good marketing = Malaysians buy
4. Lousy, low quality films = Malaysians watch.
5. Cheap telemovies, media buy = Malaysians glue eyes on tv.
6. Lousy policy makers = the Sultans keep them.
7. Lousy politicians = Malaysians "pangkah".
8. Lousy politicians in power = Malaysians keep them.
9. Lousy life hood, politicians blame the people itself = Malaysian still keep them.
10. Lousy economic/nation governance = Malaysian still keep lousy politicians.
11. Lousy artists, media gossip = Malaysians buy
12. Lousy singings, made albums, miming on stage = Malaysian invite for performance.
13. Imitation reality shows, lousy presentation, lousy comments = Malaysians spend for SMSes
14. Ugly and stupid chicks, big boobs = Malaysian men like
15. Cheater bomohs = Datins like
16. Ugly but rich Dato' = Stupid but pretty girls like
17. Cute guys, dumb blokes = Datins like
18. Lousy bloggers, "kutuk" politicians, "kutuk" MU, = Malaysians like
19. Porn sites, porn emails = Malaysian men like
20. High tax, lousy governance = Malaysian like (never complains!)
21. Being played around by politicians, being fooled = Malaysians keep THAT politician, even, he was chosen to be a minister!
22. Lousy footbal = Malaysian like?
23. ......
24. ....
25. ..

I am tired making this list. Korang sambung sendiri...

p/s: Caza and Ney, aku tau korang ada banyak idea.. Hahahaha!